Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Another nutter

There is another academic who has joined Train Buddy and me in the ranks of the daily long haul commuter. He used to sleep in our work city during the week. For some incomprehensible reason (lovely family, I think), he has decided to do the daily slog too. Until I come up with something better, he will be called Train Buddy v 2.0 (TB2). Train Buddy the 1st has been taking the insanely early train for a while now, eschewing sleep for a peaceful journey. I simultaneously admire him for this and think he's mental.

Yesterday, TB2 and I were comparing notes about fellow passengers. Turns out he also has been perpetually annoyed by the catty management-speak group and the bulldog retail rep. I think they will each merit an entry soon.

In the meantime, welcome TB2!

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't really, I mean, frankly, I HAVE abandoned you to the 0735 sardine hell-train, while I dream contentedly (with elbow room) in the 0620, but somehow - I feel replaced ;O(
    Nevertheless, anyone that puts up with this commute in the service of King and Country deserves a pat on the back, and coffee. So TB2, I salute you sir, and look forward to meeting you someday, though perhaps not on a train.
